A Dead Star Will Soon Spark a Once-in-a-Lifetime Display in Earth’s Skies

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A Dead Star Will Soon Spark a Once-in-a-Lifetime Display in Earth’s Skies

Post by hazarry »

A nova called T Coronae Borealis spectacularly erupts every 80 years. Your only chance to see it will come any day now

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) - Sometime between now and September, astronomers are predicting a "new star" in Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown, a small but distinct constellation wedged between Bootes and Hercules).

T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) last erupted on February 9, 1946, and in its next apparition, the normally staid 10th-magnitude star should brighten to 2nd magnitude for a few days.

As a recurring nova with an 80-year cycle, hundreds of AAVSO observers have been following T CrB faithfully for decades and are continuing to do so.
T CrB's next eruption is triggering lots of anticipatory buzz.

AAVSO's executive director, Dr. Brian Kloppenborg, on Scientific American's website.
More: https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... night-sky/

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